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Conditions of participation

The organizer of the giveaway is Merula GmbH (hereinafter Merula), Wormser Str. 108, 55239 Gau-Odernheim. Participation in the giveaway is free and based solely on these conditions of participation.

Course of the giveaway

The giveaway will take place from August 19, 2020 to November 30, 2020. The closing date for entries is Monday, November 30th, 2020 at 6 p.m. CET. During this period, participants in the Merula period survey will have the opportunity to take part in the giveaway. After completing the Merula period survey, participants are forwarded to the respective giveaway. The data (first and last name, e-mail address, date of birth) that are collected by Merula as part of the giveaway remain independent of the results that are collected anonymously as part of the period survey.

Eligible Participants

Eligible are natural persons who have reached the age of 18 and have taken part in the Merula period survey. Participation is not limited to Merula customers. If a participant is restricted in their legal capacity, the consent of their legal representative is required. All persons and employees of the organizer involved in the concept and implementation of the giveaway, as well as their family members, are not eligible to participate in the giveaway.


Participation is only possible within the participation period and after participating in the Merula period survey. Participations received after the closing date, or participations from persons who did not take part in the Merula period survey, will not be taken into account for the prize draw. Participants may only take part once per giveaway period. Participation in the giveaway is free and represents the full and unconditional approval and acceptance of these conditions of participation.
In addition, the organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from participation at its own discretion if there are legitimate reasons, for example (a) manipulation in connection with access to or implementation of the giveaway, (b) violations of these conditions of participation, (c) unfair conduct or (d) false or misleading information in connection with participation in the giveaway.


The prizes are the following:

  • 1x Dyson Supersonicᵀᴹ hair dryer (iron/fuchsia) with a value of 399 €
  • 1x all-in-one Merula package with a value of more than 100 €
  • 2x exclusive two-colored Merula Cup with a value of 24,99 € each
  • 1x Daily Jay Cream backpack by Sperling with a value of 169 €
  • 2x set with 1x Daily Oil mouth pulling oil and 1x essential oil by ELIXR with a value of 20,90 € each
  • 2x set with 2 cloth panty liners ‘Kirsi’ by vonckerundrot.com with a value of 21,90 € each
  • 5x Merula cleaning-package with a value of 31,47 € each
  • 2x 25 € gift card for bloodmilla.de
  • 2x sustainable living-package by Rossmann with a value of 22,90 € each
  • 1x allrounder box of spices by JUST SPICES with a value of 30,99 €
  • 2x bestseller box of spices by JUST SPICES with a value of 19,99 € each
  • 5x Hyaluron Serum triple by i+m with a value of 17,90 € each
  • 5x Merula MenstrualCUP with a value of 9,99 € each
  • 1x heat scarf Carrie by femitale with a value of 48,50 €
  • 2x 50 € gift card for Phyne.com
  • 1x Period Power book by Maisie Hill with a value of 13,90 €
  • 5x ‘condom variation’-package by Mein Kondom with a value of 50,64 € each
  • 8x One month of condoms’-package by Mein Kondom with a value of 19,60 € each
  • 1x set with deodorant cream and toothpaste by NIYOK with a value of 12,98 €
  • 10x 20 € gift card for the Merula online shop
  • 1x Spanx Boyshort by Shape Me with a value of 25,95 €
  • 1x bikini set by WONDA SWIM with a value of 80 €
  • 1x drinking bottle STNLS (500ml) by FLSK with a value of 36,75 €
  • 1x drinking bottle Roségold (500ml) by FLSK with a value of 38,75 €
  • 1x drinking bottle MDNGHT (1000ml) by FLSK with a value of 52,75 €
  • 1x drinking bottle ‚Just Breathe‘ (600ml) by soulbottles with a value of 24,90 €
  • 1x cloth panty liner and pad by die-besten-stoffwindeln.de with a value of 16,80 €
  • 1x introduction kit by LIZZA with a value of 34,99 €
  • 1x 50 € gift card for cucabylinda.com
  • 2x 25 € gift card for cupspot.de
  • 1x olive oil tasting-set by TRY Foods with a value of 19,50 €
  • 1x aftershave balm by Dr. Severin with a value of 33,10 €
  • 5x 15 € gift card for the Merula online shop
  • 5x 10 € gift card for the Merula online shop
  • 1x Windspiel gin bundle with a value of 49,99 €
  • 3x 20 € gift card for natuerlich-almo.de
  • 25 € gift card für 1bis3.de

Chances of winning depend on the number of valid entry forms received on time.

The prizes offered do not have to be identical to the actual prizes. There may be variances regarding inter alia color and design. Merula reserves the right to select an item of medial type and quality as a prize or, in case of depleting stocks, to offer replacement by means of a comparable item.

Notification and transmission of the prize

The winners will be determined after the closing date by means of a draw based on the random principle including all participants. The winners of the giveaway will be informed of their win via email in a timely manner.
If a winner cannot be reached via the e-mail provided in the entry form or if the winner does not respond to the notification of the prize within three working days, said winner will be disqualified from the giveaway and lose the entitlement to their prize.

Die Aushändigung des Gewinns erfolgt ausschließlich an die Gewinner oder an den gesetzlichen Vertreter derer. Sachgewinne werden frei Haus an die (nach Gewinnbenachrichtigung) vom Gewinner mitgeteilte postalische Adresse übersandt. Sämtliche darüber hinausgehende Gebühren, Steuern, Zölle und Transportkosten hat der Gewinner zu tragen. Der Anspruch auf einen Gewinn verfällt nach zweimaligem erfolglosen Zustellungsversuch. Gewinne in Form eines Gutscheins werden in digitaler Form via E-Mail an den Gewinner übermittelt.
Ein Umtausch, eine Selbstabholung sowie eine Barauszahlung des Gewinns sind nicht möglich. Im Falle des Gewinnes hat Merula mit der Aushändigung des Gewinns an den Teilnehmer seine Verpflichtung aus dem Gewinnspiel erfüllt. Merula übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr oder Haftung für die im Zusammenhang mit der Inanspruchnahme des Gewinnes entstehenden Schäden.

Prizes that are not or cannot be spent remain the property of Merula. Prizes getting rejected by the participant must be returned to Merula by the participant.
The prize will be handed over exclusively to the winners or their legal representatives. Non-cash prizes will be sent (after notification of the win) to the postal address provided by the winner free of charge. All additional fees, taxes, customs duties and transport costs are borne by the winner. The entitlement to a prize expires after two unsuccessful delivery attempts. Voucher-prizes will be transmitted to the winner in digital form via email.
An exchange, pick-up or cash payment of the prize are not possible. In the event of a win, Merula has fulfilled their obligation from the giveaway by handing over the prize to the participant. Merula assumes no guarantee or liability for any damages arising in connection with claiming the prize.


Insofar as personal data of the participants are collected, stored, processed or used by Merula in the context of the giveaway, it is done for the sole purpose of carrying out the giveaway. Solely responsible for the correctness of the registration data is the participant. There is no entitlement to registration. The registration data will be processed and used by Merula in accordance with the statutory provisions and will be deleted after completion of the prize’s processing.
By participating in the giveaway, the participant declares his consent to this. The collection, storage, processing or use of personal data by Merula can be objected to at any time via info@merula-cup.de. It is to note that in the event of an objection, the participant’s data are deleted and participation in the giveaway is excluded.

Final provisions

Merula makes the final and binding decision regarding the implementation of the giveaway. Complaints relating to the implementation of the giveaway are to be addressed in writing to info@merula-cup.de, specifying the giveaway, within 14 days of the reason becoming known. Complaints sent in by telephone or delayed cannot be considered.

Merula reserves the right to end the giveaway at any time without providing prior notice or reasons if, for legal or technical reasons, proper implementation of the giveaway cannot be guaranteed.

If the giveaway is canceled due to a cause set by a participant, Merula reserves the right to assert claims for damages.
The judges’ decision is final. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively. Should any of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining conditions of participation. Merula GmbH reserves the right to change the conditions of participation at any time without separate notification or to cancel the giveaway. This does not result

After four births, my period got heavier each time and I was plagued by cramps. I don’t have any cramps anymore and I feel free again.

Janine K. (29)
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